Appreciated initiative to help newly arrived academics!

Sofia Brax and Headlight International organized an appreciated evening for newly arrived academics. Together, we gathered 37 jobseekers from 15 different countries for an “Afterworkshop” at our Stockholm office. They got to meet 20 HR professionals. The assignment was about all job seekers bringing with them three concrete “actions” or contacts to take home. For those of us who are established, the contact network can feel obvious, but a newcomer is often left completely without contacts. The HR professionals gave solid advice on the CV, possible companies to apply to, discussed role descriptions, introductory programs, labor market policy tools, and above all, energy and hope were given. A fantastic pool of skills that has moved to Sweden and wants to regain its professional identity. Good luck, all 37 and many thanks to everyone who participated and contributed! We want to do this again!

Feel free to read the article by journalist Dagmar Forne ”Nyanlända mötte HR-proffs”

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