Headlight International celebrate 20 years!

On November 1, it was 20 years since Headlight International was started as a craft-oriented boutique, with a more personal way of working in executive search. Since then, we have become an established player, now with offices in both Stockholm and Gothenburg. During these years, we have had the privilege of representing clients in most sectors of Swedish business. We have appointed about 500 candidates to management groups and boards, but of course interviewed many more than that. All customers, candidates and tip providers have been a part of our history and continue to be extremely important for our continued development. A big THANK YOU to all of you who have been on the journey and who continue to be important and special to us!

Instead of spending money on internally celebrating our 20th anniversary, we are sending a grant to the UNHCR, which ensures that people on the run around the world receive the necessary support at a time when they are having an extra difficult time.

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